Words of Affirmations for Your Child

Love Languages

Many of you may have read about Five Love Languages to find your spouses, or your own love language. Children also speak and receive love in these specific languages. Your children will need all the love languages at different stages in their development, even different day to day.  Here are five ways to fill your child’s love tank:

  • Physical Touch
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Acts of Service

Words of affirmation are helpful for all children.  These short phrases tell your child that you see them, you know them, and you love them. It is more than just a “good job” when they build a tower or help find their shoes. These words of affirmation are more specific and focused on your child as a person and less about what they have completed or accomplished. Speaking these uplifting words over your child is a great way to build their self-esteem! Choose a few to repeat often so that your child will begin to learn them as well. The more they are spoken out loud, the more they are heard, and the more they will be believed in their little hearts. 

Here is a great list of affirmations from iMom that you can print out to get you started.

Preschool Ministry

Preschool Ministry

The Preschool Ministry of FBCA understands the importance of establishing trust with parents and children. Trust must come first for your child to be able to soak in the love God has for them. As your child grows and matures, our goal for their spiritual understanding is to know: God made them. God loves them. God is their friend. These basic principles are what we teach in all areas of our Preschool Ministry.

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