Winter Challenge – A new family rhythm


Welcome to the new year! Do you make new year’s resolutions, set goals, or begin new habits? As a Winter Challenge to our Preschool Families, we want to encourage you to set a new family rhythm. Here are some steps of encouragement as you begin. Step 1: Tell someone – saying it aloud to someone else gives us accountability. Step 2: Write it down – Write it on a sticky note on your bathroom mirror, pin it to your bulletin board at work, keep it on your refrigerator, somewhere that you will see it regularly. Step 3: Take the first step – Start small and build on your successes. Step 4 – Don’t give up – There will be setbacks, days you forget, nights you are too tired. Don’t give up, try again! 

Our newest pack of Talk Box – Winter Challenge cards are designed to help families create a habit of talking together about God and praying together in your home. One of our focuses as a church this year is to strengthen our faith and learn more about what we believe. 

Step 1: Tell someone – Talk about the Winter Challenge with your partner and how you would like to start the habit of conversation as a family. Tell another family and encourage each other with ideas that have worked for you and share your struggles and successes. Show your child what the cards look like and where you will be posting them. They will enjoy reminding us of the cards if they see them first! 

Step 2: Write it down – We have done this part for you! There is a card for Family Discussion, Table Talk, Bedtime Blessing, and Car Talk. The Bible verse is written on each card for reference along with a talking point or action step.  

Step 3: Start small – Set a timer after dinner and see if you can sit together for 7 minutes and discuss the Bible verse. Say the verse together, take turns saying it on your own, play the telephone game using the verse and see if you can remember it all the way through. Next time, set a timer for 10 minutes and see if you can sit together a little longer and dig a little deeper. 

Step 4: Don’t give up – If you forget, run out of time, can’t finish the conversation due to distractions… don’t give up! Try again another time. The more often you sit down together and try, the more likely it is to become a habit. Each time will be different, and that is okay!  

Our Talk Box verse for this month is: “In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God. From the very beginning the Word was with God. And with this Word, God created all things. Nothing was made without the Word.” John 1:1-3
*Bold print is a shortened version for very young children 

It is not too late! Set a goal for this year to make Family Talk Time and prayer time a part of your family’s rhythm. 

P.S. Talk Box – Winter Challenge packs will be available in the Preschool and Children’s areas. Pick one up and get started! 

Preschool Ministry

Preschool Ministry

The Preschool Ministry of FBCA understands the importance of establishing trust with parents and children. Trust must come first for your child to be able to soak in the love God has for them. As your child grows and matures, our goal for their spiritual understanding is to know: God made them. God loves them. God is their friend. These basic principles are what we teach in all areas of our Preschool Ministry.

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