Seriously – we should sing! Often in the hallways at church, people will jokingly tell me, “You do not want me to sing!”. Some say this because they were told at a young age that they were not musically gifted or perhaps had a bad experience on a school stage while singing or performing music. While it’s true that certain people are gifted musically to sing in an ensemble or the choir, we can all offer our praise to God with our voices! Singing is part of our offering to God—no matter what our voices may sound like! Whether we sing in the choir, an ensemble, or in the congregation, our vocal praise is an important testament and demonstration of our faith.
Many scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments command the worshiper to sing!
Here are just a few of my favorites:
Shout for joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious!
(Psalm 66:1-2)
Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth!
Sing to the Lord, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.|
(Psalm 96:1-2)
Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,
always giving thanks to God the Father for everything,
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Ephesians 5:19-20)
Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly
as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom
through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit,
singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
(Colossians 3:16)
God loves the sound of your voice in praise—whether or not you have been trained in the art of singing. It’s the “heart” of our voices that brings Him joy! The question is not, “Can you sing?” Rather, the question is, “Do you have a song?”
The Church is a singing faith! We express biblical truths in our songs. We share beliefs and convictions in our music. We celebrate our victories with powerful lyrics and melodies. And we are united in our offering of praise to God when we sing together. So, no matter the sound of your voice, we should sing together this Sunday!
P.S. I’m serious…check out this info on the Sanctuary Choir.
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