We are all seeking answers.

We all seek answers.

We are all seeking answers.

Recently I met a young man outside our office building who was wanting someone to pray for him.  He was probably in his mid 20’s.  During our conversation, he shared some life circumstances and “drama” he was going through personally, in his family and health wise with a close family member.  He shared about his faith journey and how he was wanting to reclaim his faith but wasn’t sure about how to do that other than find a church to get involved with.  I listened and encouraged him about the steps he was beginning to take.  At one point in our conversation, he said he “was seeking to find God again”.  I reminded him that the Bible promised that if we seek him with all our heart and soul, we will find him. (Deuteronomy 4:29).  I prayed with him and invited him to come visit us.  Low and behold the next day, he and his wife visited the Pastor’s Bible Study on Wednesday.  There we got to reconnect, visit some more, give him and his wife a Bible, prayed with them and invited to come on Sunday.

The day before, I got a message that a church member was requesting that we visit her 92-year-old father in his assisted living community here locally.  He has a faith background, but had some spiritual questions regarding the Trinity, if he was doing all he could to serve God at his stage of life and if he was ready for the time when God would call him home. I gladly went and had a sweet visit with him for about an hour or so.  We talked a lot about his spiritual journey, his struggle to understand the Trinity (simple stuff, huh?) and his desire to follow God as a 92-year-old, hard of hearing, poor vision, and unable to drive.  We talked about God’s grace, his loving sacrifice and about the Trinity!  During our conversation one of the verses, I shared was the same verse from Deuteronomy that I shared with the young man the day before.  It was truly an honor to visit with him, pray with him, hear his heart, and affirm him in his faith.

In the span of 24 hours, I was able to hear from two very different men, with unique personal backgrounds, faith journeys, and who are at opposite ends of the life spectrum but both genuinely seeking to find answers.  I am grateful that I was able to be there to hear their journey and encourage and pray with them.  I am grateful that we have the Bible that is God’s truth and revelation of Himself, and that Jesus is the answer to our questions.  Pray for these two men.  Pray that they continue to seek the truth in their journey.  Pray for their families.

I’m reminded that no matter life stage or age, we all are seeking answers.  Let’s seek to learn and grow our faith no matter if we are 22 or 92! Don’t buy into the untruth that once you reach a certain age, you have it all figured out.  So, what about you?  Are you seeking truth?  Are you attuned to those around you, who are seeking truth?

P.S. – Being involved in a small group Bible Study is a great way to learn the truth of God’s word.  Let us help you find a Bible Study that you can participate in.  We have groups for all ages and stages of life!

Brian Sepulveda

Brian Sepulveda

Brian Sepulveda is the Minister of Traditionals Care at First Baptist Church, Arlington. He provides care and connection for our oldest adults in our congregation including our homebound members and their friends. For 30 years Brian served as our Minister of Activities before transitioning to his current role in 2022. He and his wife, Lisa have 4 children and son-in-law. Their daugther, Maredia her husband, Daniel, were married in 2023. Their daughter, Brianna, lives in Nashville working to begin her art business. Their daughter, Laurann, has been working since graduating high school in 2022 and will likely begin attending college in the fall of 2024 studying Music Education in Orchestra. Their son, Micah, will be graduating high school in the spring of 2026. Brian loves playing games, watching movies, and singing!

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