Visit First Baptist Arlington

Whether you're new to the faith or have been a believer for years, we invite you to join us at First Baptist Arlington in downtown Arlington for one of our Sunday services. We offer multiple services on Sundays, so you can choose the best time for you.

Service Times

Join us this Sunday.

  • 8:30am Classic Worship - Led by Choir and Orchestra
  • 9:45am Bible Study
  • 11:00am Contemporary Worship - Led by Band

Online services at 8:30am & 11:00am. Multi-Language translation available during both services (Visit our Welcome Home Center for more information).


How To Find First Baptist Arlington

Guest Parking is Availiable at the Wade Office Building Across from the Main Campus.

Address: 301 S Center Street, Arlington, TX, 76010

Where To Park

We're a downtown church, but we have plenty of parking! Surface and garage parking are both available at First Baptist Arlington. Please use the map on this page as a guide. Guest parking is located in the Wade Building lot and our parking team volunteers can point you in the right direction if you're unsure of where to go!

Kids Parking: Parking for families with children 0-5 years is located on the northwest side of the building.

Special Assistance: If you require special assistance or mobility assistance - please head to our Wade Building lot and speak to a parking team volunteer to get you help. We have multiple options available to make it easy to attend First Baptist Arlington

PCB Parking

Preschool & Children's Ministry Parking

This is the closest parking for the Preschool Ministry. Covered drop-off available.

Wade Parking

Charles R. Wade Building Parking

This is the best parking for first-time guests.

Garage Parking

UTA Parking Garage

Visitors and members of First Baptist Church Arlington may park in the UTA parking garage for no charge on Sundays.

South Parking

FBCA South Parking Lot

Where Do I Go


We've designed places just for our guests - they're called Connect Points. If you are new to FBCA, make a Connect Point your first stop. We will have a first. time gift for you, find out how where to take your kids, learn about our services and bible study, or just find out answers to your questions.

Our Connect Point Volunteers will lead you to service, bible study or our Welcome Home Center to answer any questions or for us to get to know each other better. The Welcome Home Center is also a good place to visit on your First Sunday.

The Welcome Home Center is located just outside of the sanctuary. Ask any of our greeters and they will show you the way. Welcome Home!

What about the kids?

I have a preschooler or kindergartener.

Our Preschool Ministry cares for our youngest children - from newborns through kindergarten.

I have an elementary aged child.

Our Psalm 1 Kids Children's Ministry is all about our children in First Grade through Sixth Grade.

I have a student in Junior High or High School.

Our Youth Ministry is the place to be for Junior High and High School students grades 7-12.

Things To Know


What To Wear

Short answer?  Whatever you want.

We want you to join us for worship, and when you do you'll see everything from jeans and sweatshirts to suits and ties. There is no dress code and you are welcome to dress as you wish.

What kind of Worship Experience can I expect?

Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Dennis Wiles, preaches in both our worship services. The difference comes in the worship styles.

Our 8:30am Classic Service is led by a full orchestra and choir. They lead classic hymns and some new selections, as well.

Our 11am Contemporary Service is led by our Band & Worship Team. This service features a band and singers with more modern worship music.

What Does First Baptist Arlington Believe?

Our Core Values

We’re a community of people are following the Jesus way -- we've been forgiven, healed, and are living to reflect God’s love. We believe Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—just like He said—and we’re all about following His example. Led by the Holy Spirit and guided by the Word, we’re here to make a positive impact and bless the world with God’s love. Our church is diverse and multi-generational. We’re all about learning, growing, and serving together. God is doing incredible things in this place, and we’d love for you to be a part of it. Come join us!

Here are four things we want you to know:
  1. Your life has purpose and meaning.
  2. Jesus loves you and wants to be a part of your story.
  3. We’re all about loving people, no matter who you are.
  4. There’s a place for you here at First Baptist Arlington.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Dennis Wiles, preaches in both our worship services. The difference comes in the worship styles.

Our 8:30am Classic Service is led by a full orchestra and choir. They lead classic hymns and some new selections, as well.

Our 11am Contemporary Service is led by our Modern Worship Team. This service features a band and singers with more modern worship music.

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