When I think back to my childhood years, there were some things that I feel have just always been. God, His love, and The Bible are obvious. But there is one more you may have missed as an “always has been” and that would be Musicals, of course! I grew up with musicals like: Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady, The Wizard of Oz, and Hello Dolly, to name a few. If you are familiar with Fiddler on the Roof, you might first think of “Tradition!” The story of Fiddler on the Roof involves a Jewish community experiencing a changing culture. Tevye, a Jewish father of several daughters, is very set on upholding Jewish Family Traditions for the sake of keeping his family together. However, the culture changed and traditions were broken.
Traditions can be a tricky thing when we get down to it. Some traditions may not be as important as we think. Some traditions we keep just because they have always been. For the sake of the family, is it necessary to go to every holiday celebration? What traditions do you “keep” that have real meaning and purpose?
When Traditions are practiced with real meaning, they can bring connection, focus, and stability. Traditions of Christmas Caroling, baking pumpkin bread for neighbors, or choosing a gift for the Angle Tree are traditions that share love. They communicate outward concern, thoughtfulness, and inclusion for others.
But what about the traditions that “keep” our inward-self focused on truth? Advent is one of those traditions that has always been a part of our Christian culture. Advent focuses our soul. It is a time to prepare, but also a time to wait. Advent reminds us of what was, what is, and what is to come. Advent brings truth back to our every-day-living. Advent brings hope for what is to come. And it reminds us that peace is possible, even when culture changes, things are different, and traditions need to be adjusted.
The Tradition of Advent focuses our thoughts on the story of the Coming of Christ. We invite you and your family to join in this tradition of lighting candles, pausing to reading God’s truth, and reflecting on the hope that Jesus brings to each of us. He has always been and will always be! Let’s focus our Traditions on Him.
P.S. Beginning November 20th, Talk Box Advent Expansion Pack cards will be available for your family at FBCA. Pick up a red envelope and use these scripture cards to guide this tradition of Advent.
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