Stay Connected


It seems like 2023 is already going at a rapid speed. It was just a few weeks ago life was at a much slower pace over the Christmas and New Year’s break. One of the things that I cherished most about the first couple of weeks of the new year was the opportunity to focus on a few things that I said that I was going to do but never seemed to find the time. One of those things that Lori and I did accomplish was to re-watch and catch up on The Chosen. This has been a new and exciting way to stay connected to our faith.

If you haven’t heard about these videos, it is a Christian video series that portrays the ministry life of Jesus and the life of his chosen followers. It has been powerful for us as we watch an episode and then have time to talk about what we saw and how it spoke to us. Watching this series has provided for me an opportunity to experience the stories from the Gospels in a whole new way.

If you have not heard about this video series, I would suggest you do a little research on how or where you can watch them. If you are interested in watching them with a group, we will be showing them on Wednesday nights on the 2nd floor of the Children’s Building starting at 6:15. We have The Bridge for 5th & 6th graders that meets on Wednesdays, and we have some of their parents that have already shared a desire to be a part of this opportunity. The plan is to watch one episode at a time and then, have a time for reflection with no pressure to share. You are welcome to come and join us.

I hope that you will be mindful of other opportunities for your family in the next couple of weeks. On January 20th, don’t miss the Mother/Daughter Pajama Party for Kindergartners – 6th grade girls and their moms starting at 6:30. January 25th, is the Young Families Fellowship in the 6th grade room for our Preschool and Children’s Families to continue the focus on our Winter Challenge.

Watch for more information coming to you soon.

Our desire is for you and your family to stay connected to our church but even more so connected to Jesus, the source of our Faith.

David Butts

David Butts

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