Prepare for Sunday


Preparing for Corporate worship on Sunday begin on Monday!

Here are some weekly reminders on how to prepare for Corporate Worship on Sunday.

Sunday Nov. 13th, 2022

Prepare Physically

Have I scheduled daily time with God?

Am I rested and ready to experience corporate worship on Sunday?

Prepare with Scripture

Our church puts out daily bible readings. These Scriptures intersect with the themes and passages from that our Pastor uses each week. Click Here for Today’s Bible Reading

Prepare Musically

Here are the songs for Sunday. Click a song to listen on YouTube.

Mission’s Month Special Song: Farsi Language

We will be singing in Farsi and English!

House of The Lord

Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:13-20

Isn’t He

Build My Life

Farsi Language:
Dar in Donyaye

Sunday’s Sermon Topic and Scripture:

“The Need for Re-Claiming the Lost” Luke 15:11-32

Charlie Pannell

Charlie Pannell

Charlie Pannell led the FBCA Contemporary Worship ministry for over 5 years. In that time, he made great progress at expanding the vision of Contemporary Worship at FBCA and for our people. Now you can find him serving in Central Texas.

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