Missions Month for Children


November is always “Missions Month” at FBCA. From Mission Arlington to the Global Centers, our church is sharing the Good News all around the world every month of the year. But, during the month of November, we are specifically reminded of the great work that is going on and how we all can be a part of sharing the love of Jesus with others.

As I walked through the church this week, I got an opportunity to see and learn more about all the mission efforts that have taken place over the years and what is happening right now. David McDurham and Shelby Meeks have done an outstanding job of working with Ashley Berryhill to allow us to be a part of the work that is being done around our world.

I learned a lot already by just walking through the incredible displays in the Welcome Center and taking time reading and engaging with the interactive content. It has made me a better-informed church member and given me an even clearer picture of how I can be praying for our mission efforts.

One of the things that I love the most about the incredible displays of information is that it is for all ages. Our children can learn that they are a part of a cooperative effort to share the love of Jesus with others around the world. The displays will help our children to actively learn what we are doing to tell others about Jesus and learn about the rich heritage our church has in missions.

We want our children, grades 1-6, to pick up a worksheet in the Welcome Center or at the Children’s Building check-in desk. Complete the worksheet as you visit the Welcome Center and online videos. Place the completed worksheet in a basket at the check-in station in the Children’s Building.

This worksheet will take them on a journey to a better understanding of how our church is engaging cultures and sharing Jesus. My hope is that all our families will take this journey together and make this a Mission Month to remember.



After the children finish their worksheet, they can turn them in at the Children’s Ministry check-in station and receive a prize. All those who participate with a completed worksheet will be entered into a drawing. The winner will receive a gift certificate for $100 off 2023 Children’s Camps or programs.

David Butts

David Butts

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