Dear Parent:
One of the core values of First Baptist Church Arlington is that God designed the family as the primary place for discipleship. The Faith Journey initiative exists to partner with you as you guide your child’s spiritual journey one step at a time. Age appropriate kits have been created to help you leverage the best faith formation strategy for your child’s stage of development. In this Launch kit you will find practical ideas and suggested resources to help you release your child to embrace independence.
Getting Started
To help make the process easier, this kit includes a Before You Leave discussion guide and a Sample Blessing Letter. Use these tools to create meaningful moments with your emerging adult before he or she leaves the nest.
We hope you find this kit helpful in the process of forming the faith of your child at home. Feel free to visit fbca.org/faithjourney to learn more or to determine if your child/children are ready for other Faith Journey markers.
The Young Families Ministry Team
Before you Leave
Best Use
As a guide to help your young adult gain confidence before leaving for college, renting his/her own apartment, etc.
It can be both emotional and exciting to help your child leave the nest. Before they pack up and drive away, plan for a weekend or a day together doing something fun. Use the time to go through a checklist of basic life skills they will need and helpful items that can set them up to succeed. The reverse side can help guide a conversation that will highlight a few areas in which your child might welcome some last-minute guidance or coaching.
CAR: Are you confident handling basic car issues such as changing a tire, checking tire pressure and fluid levels?
TIP: If moving to a new town, help your child check with AAA.com or a local mechanic to identify a reputable mechanic in the area.
LAUNDRY: Do you know how to wash and dry a load of laundry? Colors and whites?
TIP: Consider a fun trip to the laundry mat for your child to figure out how to use a different machine than you have at home.
FOOD: Can you cook a few nutritious meals?
TIP: Let your son/daughter choose a meal and guide them through the preparation and cooking process. Enjoy the time together as you create a fun memory that will also increase their odds of survival!
MONEY: Do you have a budget?
TIP: Consider going online to daveramsey.com to download budget forms to fill in with your child.
HEALTH: What doctor will you visit if you get sick?
TIP: Help your child have a plan for any medical emergencies and/or finding a new doctor if moving to a new town.
CHURCH: If moving to a new town, what church will you attend?
TIP: Ask a pastor at your church for suggestions on how to find a good church in the area. Also, consider visiting different churches together with your child and then discussing what he/she did and didn’t like. If going away to college get information on groups like BSM (Baptist Student Ministry), Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), and other Christian college organizations.
COLLEGE CAMPUS: If going to school, are you confident you will be able to find your classes, etc.? TIP: Take time to walk around campus together and help your child get a good feel for where everything is located.
Sample Launch Letter
Best Use
As a guide for writing a launch letter to a young adult who is leaving home.
Amid the last-minute packing and tearful goodbyes that can accompany launching your young adult, spend a few minutes writing him or her a letter of encouragement. You can use the sample letter on the other side to help you craft your own.
Dear __________________________:
I received you as a gift from God on Birth/Adoption Date. Being your parent has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. And while our daily relationship will now change, my love and prayers for you will never end.
I will ask our heavenly Father to protect, guide and bless you as you enter an exciting new season of life. I will cheer you on as God uses you to impact the world.
Perhaps mention specific areas of the child's skills/interests I pray that God will give you grace to maintain your faith and integrity when you face the struggles, challenges and temptations ahead. God made you for a purpose!
I pray you stay in His Word and follow His leading so that you will become all that He made you to be!
I want you to know I am very proud of you. I am only a phone call away if you ever want to talk or need advice or wisdom.
I love you, Name. I can’t wait to see how God will use you in the years to come! -Dad/Mom
We’ve all heard the phrase “failure to launch” to describe young men and women who don’t make the transition into responsible adulthood. Unfortunately, many parents inadvertently keep their children from growing up and moving on due to overprotection and lack of intentionality. Whether your child is going to college, joining the military, or entering the workforce, you need to be intentional about successfully launching them toward becoming a healthy, responsible adult.
Be a good coach
As the parent of an older teen on the verge of adulthood, you are a very important coach. You can motivate, encourage, challenge and advise… but you can’t force. You can help them articulate what they believe, challenge their thinking, remind them of the “basics” already learned during earlier years… but the time has come for your child to truly own his or her own beliefs and choices. Provide a listening ear as they wrestle with and possibly question the values they learned as a child. Try to maintain a strong relationship that includes frequent, open dialogue.
Give perspective to big questions
During the transition into adulthood, your son or daughter will face big questions including: Where should I go to college? What kind of work should I do? Where should I live? What should I do with my life? Who should I marry? Direct your teen back to overarching principles from God’s Word. One of the last things King David said to his son, Solomon (1 Chronicles 28:9) provides a model for parents advising their emerging adults: “And you, my son, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind.” In addition to the practical advice parents need to give related to setting goals, finding a job and choosing a spouse, we must also promote and emphasize basic Christian life principles.
Give a vision for marriage and family
Parents sometimes go to extremes to help a child prepare for college or the workforce but fail to prepare them for the important work of marriage and family. While some are called to life-long singleness, many young people will eventually get married and have a family. Encourage your teen to seek the Lord in discovering what God's plan is for their future. You have a vital part to play in helping your child prepare to leave your home and establish their own.
Keep letting out line
You can’t turn loose of the rope all at once! Leaving home is a process. It’s important that you assist your young adult in becoming increasingly independent over a period of several years. Talk about the challenges and opportunities of adulthood. Discuss various scenarios and potential options for dealing with them. Help your young adult understand the principle of “opportunity cost.” Saying “Yes” to one thing means saying “No” to other things. Continue to help your son or daughter own the consequences of their choices while the stakes are still lower and give them space to fail while you are still close by to help pick them up and learn from their failures.
Prepare them
Set your child up to succeed during this time of transition.
- Plan a special time together to discuss the Before You Leave card included with this kit. Use the conversation to identify areas that might require some extra coaching before they leave.
- Choose a particular book or resource to go through together. Schedule coffee dates to talk through specific topics.
- Write a launch letter to encourage your child. Let them know that you are praying for them during this season of transition. A sample letter is included with this kit (Above)
Intentional Faith Journey Plan
How will you be intentional this next year?
- Pray daily for my child.
- Consistently spend time in God’s Word.
- Bless my child as I have opportunity.
- Schedule time to connect with my child to help prepare for the “launch” transition.
Recommended Resources
- Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower’s Guide for the Journey by Jonathan Morrow
- Letting Them Go by Dave Veerman
- How to Stay Christian in College by J. Budziszewski
- Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
- The Freshman 15 by Kate Henderson
- True U video series from trueu.org

Don't hesitate to ask!
Contact one of our Young Families ministers below.
Ryan Chandler - Young Adult Minister - ryan.chandler@fbca.org