Faith Journey Overview
The people of First Baptist Arlington believe God designed the family to be the primary disciple-making relationship. In other words, God gave parents the privilege of nurturing faith in the next generation. That's why Faith Journey was created, as a step-by-step plan to help you be intentional as you prepare for key faith milestones and foster spiritual disciplines in your child's faith journey.
The Faith Journey strategy is intended to help you develop a clear plan to intentionally point your child toward Christ in an age-appropriate manner. We hope that you are naturally exposing your child to many of these faith practices from an early age. The Faith Journey recommends focusing on particular practices or preparing for certain milestones at specific ages and stages. We will provide you with free kits that include training, resources and ideas to help you guide your child along the path.
You can start today regardless of your child's age or stage of development! Don't worry if you miss a step or if you start the process with an older child. You can always go back and emphasize earlier steps. We also encourage you to reinforce these practices as your child matures rather than view them as a one-time emphasis. You'll find recommended resources and ideas for beginning each step in your child's life and continuing as he or she matures.
Your Child's Faith Journey
Every step along the Faith Journey is intended to guide and direct your child toward becoming a fully developing follower of Jesus Christ. At some point along the way, your child will be mature enough to make a clear decision to trust Christ as his or her Savior and then follow the Lord in believer's baptism. We have created material to assist you in leading your child to Christ and understanding salvation. When that wonderful event occurs, we would love to provide you with a special Salvation & Baptism kit containing resources to help you celebrate.

Don't hesitate to ask!
Contact one of our Young Families ministers below.
Ryan Chandler - Young Adult Minister -