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Hey Church Family,

As we step into Missions Month, I’m reminded of how the Holy Spirit works through ordinary people—like you and me—to participate in God’s work in the world. When we respond to those small nudges, even in simple ways, we’re part of God’s ongoing story of renewal. Each act of love and service may seem small, but together, they contribute to His vision for restoring the world—where people, communities, and nations can flourish in alignment with God’s purpose. In our everyday lives, as we serve, give, and love others, we’re playing a part in God’s bigger plan to bring wholeness to the world.

Over 10 years ago in Jakarta, my friend Heather and I saw refugee families in our church who couldn’t send their kids to school. We weren’t experts, but with a simple “yes,” we started a learning center that’s still serving children today. This reminds me of Acts 2:44-45, where believers shared what they had to meet others’ needs. God doesn’t call us to be experts; He calls us to be willing, faithful, and obedient.

This year during Missions Month, we’re focusing on raising awareness and funds for the World Mission Offering. When you give, you empower others in our city and across the globe to meet needs, share the love of Jesus, and bring hope to communities. Your generosity can make a lasting impact in places you may never see but where God’s love is deeply felt.

On November 3rd, we’ll kick off our Together to the People initiative during a special night of worship. You’ll have the chance to write down names of those you’re praying for, connecting with, or inviting into conversations about faith. This initiative will continue throughout Missions Month, encouraging us to live sent together.

As the 4th Lausanne Congress reminded the global Church, this mission isn’t for a select few—it’s for all of us. It’s a shared effort across cultures, churches, and nations. Whether you’re giving, praying, or reaching out to someone in your life, we each have a part to play in this bigger story of what God is doing. Will you say ‘yes’ to being part of it?

Let’s trust the Spirit to move through us, just as He did in the early church.

With gratitude and hope,   

Ashley Berryhill

Global Engagement Director

This month's Word and Deed PDF includes an update from our Missions & Engagement team. Be sure to download a copy to read about what is happening in the life of our church throughout the world.

Want to download a PDF of this book? Click here.

Jump To A Specific Week

The Week of November 3, 2024

Narrative: Acts 1-6


The mandate to share the message of Jesus Christ with our world is from God! God sent His Son Jesus to the world to bring redemption, healing, hope, and eternal life to people. The world is desperate for this life-giving message. We answer the mandate from Jesus by being a witness for Him where we live (Jerusalem). We are also responsible to make sure the message is shared beyond our local context (Judea, Samaria, ends of the earth). We have been empowered by the Holy Spirit for this task.

As you read the focal passage this week, take some time to reflect on how God is using you as witness where you live every day. Do you need to make some changes to be a more effective witness?

Parent Spotlight

Parents, this is a good week to talk to your kids about the task that Jesus gave us – to be a witness for Him everywhere we go. For parents of children, a good way to get into this conversation could be about how hard it is to wait for something. It’s easier to wait when we have something to do. Let them come up with some examples. Then, read Acts 1:1-8 with them and show them that while waiting for Jesus to return, He also gave us something to do.

For parents of teenagers, dive deeper by having a discussion on what it means to be a witness. It involves more than words. It also means being. It means a profound transformation of character and discipleship that shapes our core identity. Before anything else, we’re supposed to be witnesses for Christ. Ask your family if they can think of one person in their life to whom they can witness Jesus. Then, take turns praying for that person.


Choose a Practice

  • Throughout the book of Acts, we’ll read about followers of Jesus living under the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. This week, we want you to grow in your awareness and dependency on the Holy Spirit through cultivating a life of prayer and obedience. Try developing a life of prayer that encompasses the following habits on the next 3 points.

  • When you wake up in the morning, spend time asking God to help you discern the Holy Spirit’s direction in your life. Spend a few minutes in prayer without saying anything to God, and instead focus your attention on simply being with God.

  • Whenever you enter a new space (the store, a classroom, a conference room, a park), ask God, “What are you doing here, and how can I join?”

    Allow yourself to listen for a minute or two. If something comes to mind, or you find someone impressed on your attention, ask God for further direction. If you wonder if you’re being led to do something, try it! If you’re unsure if it’s from God or not, ask yourself, “Will this help me or the other person love God or neighbor more?” If it doesn’t pass that test, it’s probably not from God.

  • End each day in a time of prayerful reflection with God.

    Sometimes we’re better at noticing God’s activity in hindsight, and cultivating a practice of reflective prayer will help us get better at noticing the Holy Spirit’s activity in the present. As you end the day, ask God to review the day with you. Think through your day asking God to show you the places where He was present. As events, people, or conversations come to mind, think through them – notice where you felt joy, anxiety, peace, or despair. What was God doing in those moments?

The Week of November 10, 2024

Narrative: Acts 14-21:36


In Acts 3, Peter and John healed a lame man as they made their way to pray at the Temple in Jerusalem. They healed him in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Many people in Jerusalem rejoiced because they had known of this man’s desperate situation. Afterwards, Peter and John were arrested by the Sanhedrin. We pick up the story in our text for this week. In this exchange between these two disciples and the Jewish leaders, we notice the firm commitment on behalf of the disciples to evangelism. They were intentionally devoted to sharing the good news of Jesus. They boldly declared that salvation could only be found in Jesus. The Jewish leaders were amazed and recognized these men had been with Jesus. Wow! May people in our community recognize that we have been with Jesus!

Would people around you recognize that you’ve been with Jesus?  Spend time this week reflecting on that reality.

Parent Spotlight

Parents, this is a good week to talk to your children about character. Many people have defined character as who you are when no one is looking, and it’s essential for evangelism and mission. Who we are matters way more than the tactics we use. Take some time to read Acts 4:1-13 with your kids. Draw their attention to the end of verse 13. Before we can tell others about Jesus, we must be formed by Jesus. Your kids’ natural question will be, “How does that happen?” It may be helpful to think about your discipleship journey. How have you been formed? In what ways are you still growing?

Formation happens in various ways – through scripture, prayer, and other spiritual habits. It also occurs through community activities like worship, Bible study, and one-on-one relationships. The key word is engagement. The more we engage with Jesus, the better we can engage with the world.


Choose a Practice

  • If you’re struggling to enter into faith conversations, start by blessing three people this week. Bless them by doing something that makes their life easier, sharing encouragement, or giving a gift (if you give a gift, make sure the gift itself isn’t a burden). Bless someone who’s part of our church, bless someone who isn’t part of our church, and someone from either category. See what conversations open up!

  • Eat with three people this week. Jesus’ primary mode of ministry was conversation around a table. Eat with others and see how opportunities to talk about faith naturally come up. Eat with someone who’s part of our church, someone who isn’t part of our church (ideally not part of any church), and someone from either category. When you see openings to talk about faith, go for it!

  • The best way to start a conversation about faith is to ask people questions about themselves. Don’t use questions as a ‘gotcha’ tool to trick people. Practice genuine curiosity about them, and really listen to what they’re saying. Ask questions about what their holidays mean to them, what faith background they grew up in and what that means to them now, etc.

  • Remember that a conversation between you and another person about faith isn’t just a conversation between the two of you. God is present and there for you in that conversation! Remember to “pray constantly (1 Thess. 5:17) in these moments, and ask God to help you see and hear what’s truly going on in the conversation, and to provide you with words to say when it’s your turn to talk

The Week of November 17, 2024

Narrative: Acts 14-21:36


In Acts 3, Peter and John healed a lame man as they made their way to pray at the Temple in Jerusalem. They healed him in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Many people in Jerusalem rejoiced because they had known of this man’s desperate situation. Afterwards, Peter and John were arrested by the Sanhedrin. We pick up the story in our text for this week. In this exchange between these two disciples and the Jewish leaders, we notice the firm commitment on behalf of the disciples to evangelism. They were intentionally devoted to sharing the good news of Jesus. They boldly declared that salvation could only be found in Jesus. The Jewish leaders were amazed and recognized these men had been with Jesus. Wow! May people in our community recognize that we have been with Jesus!

Would people around you recognize that you’ve been with Jesus?  Spend time this week reflecting on that reality.

Parent Spotlight

Parents, this is a good week to talk to your children about character. Many people have defined character as who you are when no one is looking, and it’s essential for evangelism and mission. Who we are matters way more than the tactics we use. Take some time to read Acts 4:1-13 with your kids. Draw their attention to the end of verse 13. Before we can tell others about Jesus, we must be formed by Jesus. Your kids’ natural question will be, “How does that happen?” It may be helpful to think about your discipleship journey. How have you been formed? In what ways are you still growing?

Formation happens in various ways – through scripture, prayer, and other spiritual habits. It also occurs through community activities like worship, Bible study, and one-on-one relationships. The key word is engagement. The more we engage with Jesus, the better we can engage with the world.


Choose a Practice

  • If you’re struggling to enter into faith conversations, start by blessing three people this week. Bless them by doing something that makes their life easier, sharing encouragement, or giving a gift (if you give a gift, make sure the gift itself isn’t a burden). Bless someone who’s part of our church, bless someone who isn’t part of our church, and someone from either category. See what conversations open up!

  • Eat with three people this week. Jesus’ primary mode of ministry was conversation around a table. Eat with others and see how opportunities to talk about faith naturally come up. Eat with someone who’s part of our church, someone who isn’t part of our church (ideally not part of any church), and someone from either category. When you see openings to talk about faith, go for it!

  • The best way to start a conversation about faith is to ask people questions about themselves. Don’t use questions as a ‘gotcha’ tool to trick people. Practice genuine curiosity about them, and really listen to what they’re saying.  Ask questions about what their holidays mean to them, what faith background they grew up in and what that means to them now, etc.

  • Remember that a conversation between you and another person about faith isn’t just a conversation between the two of you. God is present and there for you in that conversation! Remember to “pray constantly (1 Thess. 5:17) in these moments, and ask God to help you see and hear what’s truly going on in the conversation, and to provide you with words to say when it’s your turn to talk

The Week of September 22, 2024

Narrative: Acts 21:37-28:31

TOGETHER IN WORD: Acts 14:21-28

The church at Antioch obeyed God and stepped out in faith to send the first Christian missionaries out into the world. They have been lauded ever since then as a model of how a local church can personally participate in the Great Commission. After this first mission, Paul and Barnabas returned home, reported the results of their journey, and lived in community for a season with their church. Our focal passage this week shares the story of their return to Antioch.

As we reflect on this passage this week, I wonder how God is leading you to engage in taking the Gospel to the peoples of this world. Is He calling you to go to the nations? Is He calling you to be more sensitive to how you can be sent into your own community? Is He calling you to be more faithful in praying for the missional efforts of our church? Is He calling you to be more financially committed to the Great Commission? Is He calling you to become more personally connected to our missional endeavors? Let’s give Him an opportunity to speak to you this week as you reflect on the call - Together . . . to the People!

Parent Spotlight

Parents, this is a good week to talk to your children about the thrill of missions. Witnessing Christ to others is not only a task; it’s a joy and privilege. Telling others about Jesus should be a happy occasion, not a miserable one. Consider starting the conversation with this question, “What’s a job you enjoy doing?” Then, read Acts 14:21-28 together. Draw their attention to two things in the passage – hardship and celebration. In verse 22, the church acknowledges that the task is challenging. Yet, in verse 27, they gather around Paul and Barnabas to hear about all the Lord was doing through them. When others make Jesus their Lord, it’s party time!

For families with younger children, consider doing one act of kindness this week – bake some cookies and deliver them to the fire department, bathe some animals at the local shelter, or volunteer at Mission Arlington. Afterward, throw a party at your home, thanking God for inviting you into His mission. For parents of teenagers, encourage your family to share their faith with one person every day this week. Ask them to share their experiences during dinner and demonstrate just how proud you are of their boldness. If they accomplish this goal, celebrate at the end of the week by going out to dinner or doing something fun together.


Choose a Practice

  • Spend time praying for our cross-cultural workers around the world.  Pray for their families, their well-being, and their ministries in Europe and Africa. Pray that God will protect them, open doors for the Gospel to spread, and bring in-country people to journey alongside them in their efforts.

  • Spend time praying that God will raise up more and more people from within our church to participate in the work that God has called us to locally and around the world.  Ask God to help foster discipleship that leads us out into the world to share the hope that we have in Christ with everyone we encounter.

  • Pray for the Gospel to continue to spread in North America, and for the churches and ministries our church connects with through the Ascent Network, a missional network gathered to spread the Good News of Jesus in North America.

  • Pray for the volunteer mission teams that will go out in the coming months: college students to Spain, and a medical team to Sierra Leone. Consider financially supporting those going on these trips, and pray that they will experience the transformation that only Jesus can bring both in their own lives and in the lives of others.

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