Listen To God

Listen To God

Listen to God…it’s critical. It was the summer of 2010 when I felt the Holy Spirit reveal to me the call of God on my life. In that moment, it was as if Jesus was looking me dead in the eyes and asking me, “I died for you, will you live for me?” My answer was simple: “Yes, Lord.”

I grew up in a home school family highly involved with church. However, that didn’t stop me in my childhood and early teens from struggling with doubts over the validity of Christianity. These doubts came to an end when I finally understood the gospel and felt God’s call on my life in 2010, but they have informed the call on my life: to reach the unconvinced. I want to be the kind of person I needed as a teenager – an empathetic listener and teacher willing to engage my questions and doubts.

While pursuing my undergraduate degree, I had the opportunity to serve with Glowing Heart Ministries for three years. I worked as a rotational speaker, DNOW material author, and small group leader for the weekly youth events and camps they led each year. One of the highlights of my time in Glowing Heart was leading a mission trip to Scotland where I had the opportunity to preach at youth groups, churches, and a maximum security prison.

After graduating college in 2017, I got the opportunity to start a college ministry at my home church, Tate Springs Baptist Church. After much prayer I, along with four others, began what would become The Spring. By God’s blessing, and even though we all had full time jobs outside of ministry, God used our efforts over the four years to grow the ministry. I learned a lot at The Spring. A few key things that stand out to me now are:

  • The importance of involving young adults in the learning process
  • How to do relational ministry, evangelism, and discipleship
  • Christ like love is “wanting God’s best for someone and taking action to see it happen”

These concepts of ministry are central not only to how I approach long term ministry commitments, but also shorter term ones as well. I don’t really want to be the speaker that only talks from the stage. I want to be a speaker that is approachable and invested.

Throughout this incredible journey of calling, my wife Patience has been by my side. First as a friend in high school, to a significant other in college, and finally as my wife on April 21st, 2018. As a brilliant Predictive Analyst and gifted dancer, Patience is able to approach life with a unique perspective that has helped us navigate the highs and lows of life. We started dating because we realized we made a great team in ministry and that hasn’t changed over the 7 years of our relationship.

During my time at The Spring, I had to listen to God. I came to realize my need for further education and enrolled at Criswell College as a graduate student in 2019. I loved getting to explore complex topics, but this question was always on my mind: how do I take this truth and share it with my college students? I went to seminary not to just accumulate knowledge, but to share that knowledge. That was, and remains, my goal. By God’s grace, I graduated in May of 2021 with a MA in Christian Studies.

In May of 2021, I stepped down as the Young Adult Minister at Tate Springs to pursue God’s calling on my life toward vocational ministry, speaking, and writing. We love Tate Springs, The Spring, and everyone there! God was just clearly calling us to what was next. And as it turned out, what was next was just up the road at First Baptist Church Arlington. In March of 2022, I was called to FBCA as their Director of College Ministry. It’s a dream job that I can’t help but feel like God has been preparing us for all along.

I believe I have a gifting to engage the next generation effectively through invested relationships, engaging teaching, and thoughtful writing. The future looks exciting and we can’t wait to see what God has in store.

Won’t you listen to God?


P.S. I love being at First Baptist.  Find out more about the College Ministry!

Connor Torrealba

Connor Torrealba

Connor is the College Minister at First Baptist Arlington. He is passionate about discipling the next generation to live out their faith or come to faith for the first time. Connor enjoys traveling with his wife Patience, biking, and hiking.

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