How to form a Habit


Have you ever wondered what motivates people to stick to a fitness routine? How can someone stay so consistent? There are many reasons why one is willing to stay on track while implementing a healthy lifestyle.

For example:

-Having a well thought out workout regimen

-Setting a goal

-Making/having time in your schedule

-Having a personal trainer or friend to encourage you

-Starting to see the results, whether that is weight loss, muscle gain, or health benefits.

While all of these are true, One survey found that people who work out in groups, or with a friend, have a higher chance of staying motivated to stick to a workout routine.

When you have a friend to workout with it pushes you to want to work harder.

Practicing self-discipline together and keeping each other accountable will be what keeps you coming back. Having a friend to push you during a workout is a great benefit to have, and knowing you have someone who can support you emotionally, physically, and spiritually makes all the difference. Whether you’re joining a group fitness class, working out with a friend, or seeing others in passing in the gym, all these things are what keep one accountable.

God created human beings with the desire to connect.

God gave us one another to fulfill his purpose on this Earth in sharing the gospel. We are blessed to have the opportunity to build strong relationships with one another, all while encouraging one another in our daily walk. Whether you’re trying to get in those last few pushups, celebrating, or experiencing hard times, community and fellowship is everything.

11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

-1 Thessalonians 5:11

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

-Hebrews 10:24-25

So, if you’re new to the gym setting or maybe a little intimidated, grab a friend or join a class, and be prepared to build strong long-lasting relationships. Join us in the Family Life Center on the 2nd floor for a class or weekly event, or just come take advantage of our workout equipment!

Check out to learn more about the Activities Ministry!




Tara Tomes

Tara Tomes

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