How College Students Can Continue In Their Faith Over The Summer

An aerial shot of University of North Texas, Frisco Texas

Living out your Christian faith in college is already difficult enough, but it can be even more difficult to do this over the summer. Often times when college students go home over the summer it can be hard for them to find the same community, they had at college back at home. This makes it much harder for them to continue to grow in their faith and spend time with God. If this is the case what are some things that can be done to keep a college student from struggling when they go back home?

Students can keep in contact with the community they have at their college. This means using community that is already built up to keep you accountable. Students should have accountability with their community that they have in college. It is easy to keep in contact with community though our phones and social media.

Students can find community back home. This can look like going to a local church in one’s hometown. Anything that can be done to find community is good.

Students can also keep up with their daily quiet time.

All of these ideas point back to the importance of having other believers beside you. No one is able to grow and progress in their faith alone. It is so important for college students to be plugged into a group of fellow believers when they go back home for summer. Community is the way in which God speaks to us. It is the way in which we are corrected and encouraged. It might feel uncomfortable trying to meet new community over the summer, but it is so important. The Christian faith is not done alone but together. No matter how far away your home is from your college you still need community.

Pearce Schreck

Pearce Schreck

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