God’s Plan is Greater Than Our Own

God's Plans are Greater Than our Own

I wish that I could sit here and tell you that life is easy, but that would just be a lieI’ve faced more challenges in my life than I can count on both hands. I’ve been denied, stolen from, told hurtful things, lost people I loved, and have faced dark times. The list goes on, but the truth is, that’s life for ya. God’s plan is greater than our own.

When life throws you curveballs, sometimes you want to wallow in your hurt and feel bad for yourself. It’s hard to see the good in a situation when you feel like nothing is going right. But it doesn’t end there!

Over the years, God has taught me to look at the good in bad situations. For everything that has gone wrong, God has used it in some way. I still stand in awe of how God has brought me through so much and has blessed me abundantly. Sometimes the plans we make for ourselves is not Gods plan. God’s plan is greater than our own.

It brings me back to when my husband and I thought we found the perfect house last summer. Our offer on a house was FINALLY accepted after house hunting for months. This house seemed like a great starter home in our eyes. The owners then signed the contract, and we patiently waited for next steps in securing our first home! We were so excited to finally have a home of our own.  A day after our contract was signed, we received a call from our agents saying the wife wanted to back out of the offer, even though the contract was already signed. Our agents were blown away because with all their years in this business, they have never had someone try to back out AFTER signing the contract. It was very disappointing, and it was so easy to look at this situation and wallow in pity that another bad thing had happened to us.

My husband and I saw this as Gods funny way of closing that door. We were at peace that maybe this wasn’t the home God had for us, and maybe there was better out there. We continued to pray and ask God to show us the perfect home, and after 2 weeks of being denied offers, we finally found it.

We found the PERFECT home. Not only was it in an amazing area, but it surpassed our basic needs for what we were looking for. By staying faithful in hard times, God blessed us far more than we could have ever imagined. Now we can’t even imagine getting that other home. This home is just too perfect, and we are content in knowing that this was the home God had planned for us. God’s plan is greater than our own.

When it’s in God’s plan, it will work out. I encourage you to talk to him and tell him your needs and wants. Trust that his way for your life is far greater than anything you can plan for yourself.  He truly loves you, and he wants to provide for you. It may not be in the way or time that you want it, but he will. Trust his plan, and stay faithful. God’s plan is greater than our own!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

P.S. We have a lot going on the Activities Ministries – check out our calendar of events!










Tara Tomes

Tara Tomes

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