Diversify Your Media

Diversify Your Media

Why Am I Thinking What I Am Thinking?

Howdy!  Have you ever noticed how we are so easily swayed by the media we consume?  I often feel like the book that I am currently reading or the podcast I am currently listening to dictate a lot of what goes through my head on a day-to-day basis.  This was never truer for me than when I was working on my undergraduate degree at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.  I was a Christian studies major, so a lot of my day was spent reading different theologies, ideologies, and arguments.  It was interesting to me how my own thoughts, theories, and theology would rapidly evolve simply based on what we were reading in class.  It drove home the fact, at least for me, that the media that I consumed truly dictated the thoughts that I had, even the way that I carried myself. What’s the solution? Diversity your media!

What About You?

So, what are you reading this week?  How is it affecting the way you think, the way you interact with others, or even your spiritual life?  I don’t want to be alarmist, but not all the media that we consume is good for us.  I have found that best practice is to make sure that I diversify my media.  Sources that sometimes disagree, sources with different perspectives or backgrounds, you get the picture.  When we diversify the media we consume we set ourselves up to strengthen our own point of views!  When we diversify the media we consume we can more readily find where we are missing the mark and better our own thoughts, theories, and theologies.  When we diversify the media we consume we can escape the echo chambers that so many exist in and actually hear what the rest of the world has to say.  I would be willing to argue that we could find a lot more common ground with those we disagree with if we would simply diversify the media we consume.

Think About It

What do you think?  How can you diversify what media you are consuming throughout your day?  How is it dictating your thoughts and actions?  I would love to hear what you have to say on this subject.  Always feel free to reach out!

In Him,

Tanner Watson

P.S. If you ever need to borrow a theology textbook to see what I am talking about, I have plenty to share! I can help you diversify your media!

Tanner Watson

Tanner Watson

Tanner is the guy's minister at First Baptist Church of Arlington. He hails from Argyle, Texas. Tanner is a proud graduate of the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, as well as Baylor University's George W. Truett Theological Seminary. Tanner can whip up a mean cup coffee and cook a great brisket.

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