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We are designed to live in community. We are made to be the body of Christ, living life together, trusting that we can do more together than alone. We’re not supposed to live as hermits, but in fellowship with the people of God. Ironically though, sometimes church can be the hardest place to show our true selves. We can feel like we have to “put on a mask” and fake our way through Sunday mornings.

It can be difficult to reveal our true, messy selves. Part of growing in emotional health is acknowledging the adage: “it is OK to not be OK.” If we are becoming emotionally mature, we should increasingly be able to admit when we’re hurting, when we need help, or when we are just having a bad day. At its best, the church should be the place where this vulnerability is most on display!

Consider Paul’s message to the Galatians: “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ.” There’s no way around it: becoming emotionally healthy ought to involve a community of believers walking alongside you.

This week, take time to assess how your relationships are going? Are you able to be vulnerable in your Christian circles? Is there an invitation for you to go deeper with a friend? Maybe you need to consider a discipling or mentoring relationship that can help you grow. Use this week to consider how Christian community is impacting your life.

First Baptist

First Baptist

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