Christmas at First Baptist Arlington

Christmas at First Baptist Arlington

Christmas is such a special time of year!  And we want to invite you to Christmas at First Baptist Arlington! We call our celebration Advent – a term used by the church that refers to the waiting and arrival of Christ.  For us, Christmas is what gives our faith – and in turn our lives – meaning.  It shows us God loves us and sent a way for us to know Him, and that God wants to be involved in our lives!

At First Baptist, we have a place for you this holiday season!  We have many family-friendly free events for you, your family and friends. We have events like movie nights, musicals, story time and more.  Check out our list below and plan on joining us this Christmas season! We look forward to seeing you at Christmas at First Baptist Arlington!


Events This Advent Season (December 2023)

Holiday on the Lawn – December 9th – 2-5pm

“Incarnation: Night of New Beginnings” Christmas Musical – December 10 – 5 pm

Christmas ADVENTure – FREE FAMILY EVENT – December 17th – 4-6 pm

Christmas Eve Church Service – December 24, 10:30 am

Candlelight Services – December 24 – 4:00 & 5:30pm

New Years Eve Church Service – December 31 – 10:30am


Dennis Wiles

Dennis Wiles

Dr. Dennis Wiles is the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church Arlington. He and his wife, Cindy, love the church, mission work and their grandchildren.

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