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The Night Cometh

By Tanner Watson | October 26, 2022
The Night Cometh

Howdy!  If you are walking around outside of Truett Theological Seminary you will likely pass the clock tower at the North-East corner of the building.  On that clock tower, the words “the night cometh” are inscribed.  This is a quote from Jesus found in John 9:4. The full verse reads: “We must carry out the…

By Your Love

By Chelsea Judkins | October 26, 2022
By Your Love

This past week, Tanner brought a great message at The Break about the love we are called to in 1 Corinthians 13. Afterward, I sat with a delightful group of freshman girls as we processed through our discussion questions. By your love – it’s an important phrase. One of the questions in our list was…

Students Become Friends

By Tanner Watson | October 12, 2022
Students Become Friends

Howdy!  I am sitting here in San Antonio, Texas this morning.  Kurt and I are attending Conclave, a conference for pastors serving children, students, and families.  I am super excited to share what we learned and discussed here in San Antonio, but that isn’t the reason I am writing today.  Instead, I wanted to celebrate…

What a Good Father

By Chelsea Judkins | October 11, 2022
Good Father

Life with two littles is full of good-natured chaos, phrases I never thought I’d need to say, and a new awareness of potential danger. When Lucy started crawling at six months, we babyproofed our home. We put cabinet locks over our cleaning supply storage. We bought outlet covers and moved anything breakable out of reach.…

Consistent Parents

By Kurt Krodle | October 6, 2022
Consistent Parents

I can still hear my dad’s boots walking across the entryway to my childhood home.  It’s a sound for me that brought joy because Daddy was home!  I haven’t heard that sound in 30+ years, but it still makes me smile and brings peace to my spirit.  I didn’t grow up in a perfect home,…

Tips for Leading Your Peers

By Tanner Watson | October 5, 2022
Tips for Leading Your Peers

Howdy! Junior High, High School, and College are all unique places where the number of leadership opportunities is insurmountable.  Further, most of the leadership opportunities available are among peers.  This presents something of an interesting situation because leading one’s peers is not always the easiest thing to do.  So, here is a list of tips…

Cooperation not competition.

By Chelsea Judkins | October 4, 2022
Cooperation Not Competition

In the movie Mean Girls, Cady is new to public school. There’s a great scene where her two new friends give her a tour of the cafeteria pointing out all of the very specific cliques, including groups like Varsity Jocks, Preps, Burnouts, and Desperate Wannabes. They end the tour at their own table and refer…

I’m Grateful

By Kurt Krodle | September 29, 2022
Greenville, Texas

I’m grateful for small towns. In 1985, John Cougar Mellencamp released the song, Small Town which starts with: Well, I was born in a small town And I live in a small town Probably die in a small town Oh, those small communities I don’t remember what I thought about that song (other than I…

Each season is important.

By Chelsea Judkins | September 27, 2022
Birthday Cake

Be encouraged that each season of your life is important!  It took me a while to figure that out, you see I had a quarter life crisis on my 25th birthday. I spent my birthday weekend with my parents, and that Sunday we all went to church together. My parents switched churches after I moved out,…

My name is Tanner.

By Tanner Watson | September 27, 2022

Howdy!  My name is Tanner and I serve as the guy’s minister in the Youth Ministry here at First Baptist Church of Arlington.  I enjoy a good concert, lunch with friends (especially barbeque), and I am constantly on the hunt for the world’s best cup of coffee.  I have two parents and a little brother…