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Your child’s senior year overflows with lasts: the last football game, the last curtain call, the last dance, the last awards ceremony. Until finally… the last day of school. If you’re anything like me, those lasts swell with bittersweet tension. Pride in all the ways your child has grown and flourished, an aching sadness for…
The summer before my freshman year of High School I went on my first student mission trip with my youth group. We traveled from Argyle, Texas, all the way to Rapid City to serve Native Americans who had left the reservation seeking a better life. I vividly remember the week leaving me yearning for more. …
Reconnecting Have you ever gone way too long without seeing a group of friends? Then, the day comes that you’re once again reunited, and you can share space, catch up, and simply enjoy the time together! Those are sweet days, often that include lots of laughter, stories, and rejoicing at simply being together once again.…
Initial Thoughts Howdy! Apologetics comes from the Greek word “ἀπολογία” which means to speak in defense. It is an ancient discipline dating back to the 1st and 2nd centuries when early Christians were writing persuasively in defense of the faith. It is a practice that has endured through the centuries into the modern era. Today,…
What does BBQ have to do with Jesus? Howdy! If you know me, you know that I love BBQ. I am a FIRM believer that Texas easily has the best Q in the world. The pinnacle of BBQ (brisket, ribs, and sausage) is called the “Texas Trinity” for a reason! My love for this Texas…
Why Am I Thinking What I Am Thinking? Howdy! Have you ever noticed how we are so easily swayed by the media we consume? I often feel like the book that I am currently reading or the podcast I am currently listening to dictate a lot of what goes through my head on a day-to-day…