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My four-year-old son, Briggs, and I talk a lot about family connections. He wants to know who you are related to; do you have two sisters like he does, etc. On a recent visit to see my parents, Briggs asked my mom about her daddy. She told him that her daddy no longer lived here…
I grew up watching Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood on our black and white TV. At that time, I had no idea that he was advocating for children through media. I just knew he was kind and I related with the way he shared life. So now, fast forward several decades from the years of Mr. Roger’s…
I was raised in a Christian home and attended church regularly. My mother has told me that when I was an infant our pastor, Pastor Steck, was the first person outside of family to hold me. When I made the decision to ask Jesus into my heart at age 8 I vividly remember being so…
My roots were planted in a home that consistently focused on faith, family, and friends. My father was a pastor and modeled how to shepherd people well. My mother loved teaching children and serving in the church. My sister and I began serving in the church, alongside our parents, as soon as we were old…
I love Fall! For Texans, Fall finally brings some relief from the scorching Texas Summer heat! Fall also brings some familiar family rhythms that help settle the roller-coaster of summer schedules. There is something about Fall Rhythms that convey a homey-comfort and peace. I’m thankful for rhythms of life that God created and set into…