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Gift Giving

Gift Giving

We spend a lot of time during the Christmas Season thinking about gifts and gift giving. Giving just the right gift takes thought. How well you know the person greatly informs the choosing process. And then your personality colors the way you choose as well. Depending on your personality, some people may find gift-giving stressful…

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Traditions are Important

Traditions are Important

When I think back to my childhood years, there were some things that I feel have just always been. God, His love, and The Bible are obvious. But there is one more you may have missed as an “always has been” and that would be Musicals, of course! I grew up with musicals like: Fiddler…

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Apologetics: Why Does it Matter

Apologetics: Why Does It Matter?

Initial Thoughts Howdy!  Apologetics comes from the Greek word “ἀπολογία” which means to speak in defense.  It is an ancient discipline dating back to the 1st and 2nd centuries when early Christians were writing persuasively in defense of the faith.  It is a practice that has endured through the centuries into the modern era.  Today,…

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Missions Month for Children

November is always “Missions Month” at FBCA. From Mission Arlington to the Global Centers, our church is sharing the Good News all around the world every month of the year. But, during the month of November, we are specifically reminded of the great work that is going on and how we all can be a…

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Somestimes It Takes a Mountain

Sometimes It Takes A Mountain

In July of 2016 I took my first trip to the Colorado Rocky Mountains. I remember the first time I saw them in person. It felt like a dream. Seeing something so big and beautiful really put life into perspective for me. Some people are beach people, but I learned that day that I was…

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