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Six Benefits of Exercise

Are you looking for a reason to start adding exercise to your weekly routine? Exercise or any physical activity is great for you in many ways. Living a more active lifestyle can lead to a happier and healthier life! Here are 6 benefits to adding exercise to your daily life: Weight Control: It’s no question that exercise can…

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Starting a Walking/Running Routine

“Starting a Walking/Running Routine”   Everyone starts somewhere on their fitness journey. Some people can easily adjust and pick up new things quickly, while some of us need to start slow and work our way up. When interested in adding more physical activities into your lifestyle, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. If…

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Telling the Story – Fall 2022

There’s something powerful that happens in our lives when we talk about the good things God has done and is doing. This last Sunday, the college Bible study discussed the impact of sharing stories of God working in our lives. What we learned was that the victory of Jesus in our lives can sow seeds…

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“Lots” of Christmas

The Christmas Season is here! You may be home from work, your children are out of school or childcare, you are gearing up for some travel, or preparing to host guests in your home. In my home, we are watching our favorite Christmas movies, getting ready to make our favorite Christmas snacks, and making a…

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Why Is Christmas Important?

Howdy!  If you have been around our church at all recently you probably have heard that we are close to celebrating Christmas.  If you don’t know what Christmas is, it is the season and day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ whom we recognize as our Lord and Savior.  Now, a lot of…

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