There's something for everyone. Look around.

Faith, Family, and Friends

My roots were planted in a home that consistently focused on faith, family, and friends. My father was a pastor and modeled how to shepherd people well. My mother loved teaching children and serving in the church. My sister and I began serving in the church, alongside our parents, as soon as we were old…

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The Most Important Book

I was visiting some friends in their home recently and I saw something on their refrigerator that caught my eye. It was a picture of me and their son. I was giving him a Bible. Each year I have the privilege of giving the 1st graders a Bible as a gift from our church. This…

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A Cord of Three Strands

One of the most beneficial practices in my spiritual walk has been intentional discipleship through small three person groups called Triads. A few years ago, I was reading the call to “Go, therefore and make disciples…” in Matthew 28:18-20 and felt conviction – how was I actively making disciples in my lifestyle? It would have…

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Thoughts for a High Schooler

Howdy!  So, you feel called to ministry in high school?  First, that is amazing!  God calls all believers to a life of purpose, but he does not call everyone to a vocational ministry.  While this is not something to boast about, a call to vocational ministry is certainly something worth celebrating.  I was in that…

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Fall Family Rhythms

Family Rhythms

I love Fall! For Texans, Fall finally brings some relief from the scorching Texas Summer heat! Fall also brings some familiar family rhythms that help settle the roller-coaster of summer schedules. There is something about Fall Rhythms that convey a homey-comfort and peace. I’m thankful for rhythms of life that God created and set into…

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