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Listen To God

Listen To God

Listen to God…it’s critical. It was the summer of 2010 when I felt the Holy Spirit reveal to me the call of God on my life. In that moment, it was as if Jesus was looking me dead in the eyes and asking me, “I died for you, will you live for me?” My answer…

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God Calls Young People

When I was in high school we had a youth rally at our church with a guest speaker. He gave his testimony of when he became a Christian. There was a large crowd of kids there to hear him share his testimony and I’m sure the free pizza didn’t hurt. I remember listening to him…

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Birthday Cake

Each season is important.

Be encouraged that each season of your life is important!  It took me a while to figure that out, you see I had a quarter life crisis on my 25th birthday. I spent my birthday weekend with my parents, and that Sunday we all went to church together. My parents switched churches after I moved out,…

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My name is Tanner.

Howdy!  My name is Tanner and I serve as the guy’s minister in the Youth Ministry here at First Baptist Church of Arlington.  I enjoy a good concert, lunch with friends (especially barbeque), and I am constantly on the hunt for the world’s best cup of coffee.  I have two parents and a little brother…

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My name is Tara.

My name is Tara Tomes, and I am the Activities Associate to our Activities Ministry. I have been married to my husband, William Aaron Tomes, for almost 4 years. I was born and raised in Pontotoc, Mississippi, and moved to Texas right after Aaron and I got married in 2018. I am a cat mom…

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