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Invite God In

Invite God In

My four-year-old son, Briggs, and I talk a lot about family connections.  He wants to know who you are related to; do you have two sisters like he does, etc.  On a recent visit to see my parents, Briggs asked my mom about her daddy.  She told him that her daddy no longer lived here…

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It's just too much

It’s just too much.

If I’m being honest, the last several months have held some of the hardest days for myself and my little family. Days filled with grief and loss and sickness and parenting and ministry and work and the world around us and all the things. There have been days where I’ve said out loud or sent…

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Tips for Leading Your Peers

Tips for Leading Your Peers

Howdy! Junior High, High School, and College are all unique places where the number of leadership opportunities is insurmountable.  Further, most of the leadership opportunities available are among peers.  This presents something of an interesting situation because leading one’s peers is not always the easiest thing to do.  So, here is a list of tips…

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God uses the unqualified

God uses the unqualified.

Growing up I would look at other people and how gifted they were, whether it was their singing, speaking, or artistic abilities, and wish I was gifted like that. It’s easy to compare someone’s gifts or journey to your own. It’s our human nature. I didn’t think God uses the unqualified. Throughout my life, I was…

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Cooperation Not Competition

Cooperation not competition.

In the movie Mean Girls, Cady is new to public school. There’s a great scene where her two new friends give her a tour of the cafeteria pointing out all of the very specific cliques, including groups like Varsity Jocks, Preps, Burnouts, and Desperate Wannabes. They end the tour at their own table and refer…

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