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Start Now

Start Now

If you ever wonder when to start doing what God wants: start now. UTA Parking can be tricky. If you haven’t delved into the depths of it, there are seemingly endless parking lots that all look the same, but have various rules attached. Even as a student, it often confused me. That familiar confusion hit…

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Good Father

What a Good Father

Life with two littles is full of good-natured chaos, phrases I never thought I’d need to say, and a new awareness of potential danger. When Lucy started crawling at six months, we babyproofed our home. We put cabinet locks over our cleaning supply storage. We bought outlet covers and moved anything breakable out of reach.…

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Kind Neighbors

Kind Neighbors

It’s Fall, Y’all! That means pumpkins are a necessity! I know Aldi has good prices which is where I begin my pumpkin hunt. I decide I don’t need a shopping cart, because, after all, their pumpkins may not qualify. (In case you are wondering, the pumpkin checklist includes: cheap, round, sits flat, no grey patches,…

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Consistent Parents

Consistent Parents

I can still hear my dad’s boots walking across the entryway to my childhood home.  It’s a sound for me that brought joy because Daddy was home!  I haven’t heard that sound in 30+ years, but it still makes me smile and brings peace to my spirit.  I didn’t grow up in a perfect home,…

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Diverse Places

Diverse Places

I’m not much of a traveler. When I was growing up my family didn’t really go on many trips unless we were going to visit family. So consequently, I really hadn’t been to many interesting destinations until l was older. Even as an adult my trips were mainly church trips or mission trips. I had…

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