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Hand Made Disciples

Hand Made Disciples

What does it mean to be a disciple maker? What images come to your mind with that phrase? Maybe you think of a pastor, minister, or mentor. Maybe you have an image of Jesus, Paul, Peter, or someone else walking with a group of people behind them. Maybe you think of being a bible study…

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My Name Is Aaron Tomes

My name is Aaron Tomes.  I am a follower of Jesus Christ and have placed my faith in Him as Savior and Lord of my life! I have been remarkably blessed with a strong Christian heritage—my parents and grandparents were faithful to not only encourage godly values but actually live out those values for us…

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Bring Your Children to Church

Bringing Your Kids to Church

I was in the Student Building recently and had the chance to visit with some of our students who grew up in our church. I have had the privilege of knowing some of them their whole life. It is amazing to see how much they had grown up and changed in the few years from…

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Students Become Friends

Students Become Friends

Howdy!  I am sitting here in San Antonio, Texas this morning.  Kurt and I are attending Conclave, a conference for pastors serving children, students, and families.  I am super excited to share what we learned and discussed here in San Antonio, but that isn’t the reason I am writing today.  Instead, I wanted to celebrate…

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Two Kinds of Exercise

Two kinds of workouts.

Working out and any kind of physical exercise has its benefits. Who doesn’t want to feel and look good? God wants us to take care of our bodies, as it is a way for us to bring him glory. Did you know there are two kinds of workouts? “You were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with…

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