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We Should Sing

We Should Sing!

Seriously – we should sing! Often in the hallways at church, people will jokingly tell me, “You do not want me to sing!”.   Some say this because they were told at a young age that they were not musically gifted or perhaps had a bad experience on a school stage while singing or performing music.  …

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First Worship God

First, Worship God

Sundays are when we come to church as individuals to be together as a family. I’ve never known life without church. My grandparents raised their children to attend church every Sunday. And then my parents did the same with my sister and me. Jay and I have continued to make Sunday church attendance an important,…

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Coaching Them Up

Coaching Them Up

I was born in a small town to parents who were teenagers, teenagers that were still trying to figure life out. My parents’ story about how they grew in their faith and established a family that loved Jesus both challenged and encouraged me to live like Jesus.  Living in this small town with my little…

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We Need Community

We need community.

Connection and community! We all need it! In the beginning God created man to be in relationship with Him.  Then, he saw that it wasn’t good for man to be alone, so He created a helper, a partner, a woman.  The idea of being in relationship was important to God, so maybe we should give…

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6 reasons to exercise

Six Benefits of Exercise

Are you looking for a reason to start adding exercise to your weekly routine? Exercise or any physical activity is great for you in many ways. Living a more active lifestyle can lead to a happier and healthier life! Here are six benefits of exercise: Weight Control: It’s no question that exercise can help you lose weight.…

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