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God's Plans are Greater Than our Own

God’s Plan is Greater Than Our Own

I wish that I could sit here and tell you that life is easy, but that would just be a lieI’ve faced more challenges in my life than I can count on both hands. I’ve been denied, stolen from, told hurtful things, lost people I loved, and have faced dark times. The list goes on, but the…

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A Place to Belong

A Place to Belong

After graduating from college, I moved to a new city, with a new job, and no friends nearby. It felt like I was new to everything. I was searching for a place to belong, with people my age and in my stage of life. After visiting several other churches across the DFW metroplex, someone from…

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Lessons from the Garden

Lessons from the Garden

In 2020 you would have never guessed that the Pannell family would begin to take care of and obsess about keeping a garden. We did not have green thumbs and our past efforts of taking care of plants had resulted in…DEATH. (Poor plants) But, there were lessons in the garden. We started learning and continued…

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The Night Cometh

The Night Cometh

Howdy!  If you are walking around outside of Truett Theological Seminary you will likely pass the clock tower at the North-East corner of the building.  On that clock tower, the words “the night cometh” are inscribed.  This is a quote from Jesus found in John 9:4. The full verse reads: “We must carry out the…

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By Your Love

By Your Love

This past week, Tanner brought a great message at The Break about the love we are called to in 1 Corinthians 13. Afterward, I sat with a delightful group of freshman girls as we processed through our discussion questions. By your love – it’s an important phrase. One of the questions in our list was…

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