Cast Your Anxieties on the Lord

Cast Your Anxiety on Him

I grew up in a broken household. Not only did my parents’ divorce happen when I was only 5, but they made it very evident to my sister and I that they couldn’t stand each other. Growing up like this had its own issues. My parents fought for custody over my sister and I for about 6 years. Because of this battle, anxiety was something I began to experience at a young age. Although, this was a tough time, and it was something no child should ever have to experience, it is very evident today of all the work God has done in my life.

My mom was always the type of mom to leave me little notes of encouragement or write me cards just because she was thinking of me. I remember one day I was having a really tough time. My anxiety had gotten so bad. My mom wrote a verse and put it on my little cork board in my room so that I could be reminded every day I saw it. The paper read “Cast all of your anxieties on him, for He cares for you.”

Anxiety isn’t something you can just grow out of. For some it is always there trying to make its appearance. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized how life is out of our control. Being human, we love to take control our own lives. We want things to work out the way we want, and we won’t have it any other way, and if it doesn’t turn out how we want, then the anxiety sets in. During times of uncertainty, it’s easy to let your mind go wild and travel to dark places.

Don’t let the enemy steal your joy.

In times like these, try to find comfort and peace through God’s word that promises you hope and a future. Satan uses fear, worry, and anxiety as weapons to keep us from experiencing the full life that God has planned for us. These emotions can be overwhelming and paralyzing. Learn how to live free from worry and anxiety by meditating on Gods Word and casting your anxieties on Jesus!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God.”
Philippians 4:6

If this is you and you’re experiencing fear, worry, or anxiety, I challenge you to take the time and talk to God. Take all your worry and all your anxiety and lay it at the feet of Jesus, trusting him.

Know that you are not alone. If you are ever in need of prayer or need someone to talk to, please reach out to anyone here at First Baptist Church of Arlington.

You are not in this alone, and you are so loved.





Tara Tomes

Tara Tomes

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