Much has been written over the past couple of years about loneliness in America. One of the most notable documents on the subject is the 2023 Surgeon General’s 82-page report entitled, “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.” The subtitle of that advisory is “the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community.” The Surgeon General’s report…
Read MoreHave you noticed how rare it is to share a meal with someone new these days? We scroll through food photos on Instagram, watch countless cooking shows, and order delivery through apps—all while eating alone at our kitchen counters. Something is missing, and deep down, we all recognize it. Last week, I asked a group…
Read MoreThe notification appears: “Memory from 5 years ago.” Maybe it’s a relationship that ended, a career path that didn’t pan out, or a dream that fell apart. We’ve all been there – staring at our past, wondering if we’ve missed our chance to get things right. In a world obsessed with overnight success stories and…
Read MoreHolistic Health As we continue to explore various aspects of flourishing, it’s important to consider the chemistry between domains. Flourishing involves “holistic health,” but in some ways that optimal condition is unique to each person. The Human Flourishing Program defines flourishing as “when all aspects of a person’s life are good.” Yet, there can…
Read MoreWhat is the key aspect of flourishing? Tyler VanderWeele, Director of the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University, sent out a research update last week related to meaning and purpose. In it, he references empirical evidence that a sense of meaning and purpose is a key aspect of flourishing. VanderWeele offers a nuanced distinction between…
Read MoreWhat is Mattering “Mattering” is the general belief that you are important to others. “Anti-mattering” is the feeling that you just don’t matter at all. Zach Mercurio is a researcher, author, and speaker who specializes in purposeful leadership. His upcoming book is entitled, “The Power of Mattering.” Zach cites some alarming statistics about “anti-mattering.” 60%…
Read MoreWhy Easter Is a Story About Connection In a world of 1,000 Facebook friends but no one to grab coffee with, something doesn’t add up. We live in the most connected time in human history, yet studies show we’re experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. The irony isn’t lost on us—our phones keep us constantly “in…
Read MoreWhat a 2,000-Year-Old Story Can Teach Us About Friendship Making friends as an adult shouldn’t be this difficult. Remember when friendship was as simple as sharing crayons in kindergarten or sitting next to a new person at lunch? Now, it feels like we need a PhD in social dynamics just to form meaningful relationships. Finding…
Read MoreWhat is “the good life”? What is “the good life”? What makes human existence meaningful? In his book, Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most, Miroslav Volf – Director of the Yale Center for Faith & Ethics – offers this account of the Apostle Peter’s experience. Before he became known as the first…
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