
FBCA College Thursday Night

Every Thursday, the college group gathers for a free meal at 6:30pm. It's a great place to make friends and hang out. At 7:30pm, we head to the big room for worship and bible study led by our College Minister, Connor Torrealba. Our goal is for this to be a night where students grow deeper in their relationship with God and one another. It's a night of free food, great worship, and in depth Bible study. Can't wait to see you there!

Navigating Our Campus

Parking for the Student Center is easiest at the adjacent UTA Parking Garage. Parking for FBCA members and guests is free on Sundays.

The FBCA Student Center is home to both out College and Youth ministries. On Sunday mornings, we've got signs and greeters to get you to the right place.

Garage Parking

UTA Parking Garage

Visitors and members of First Baptist Church Arlington may park in the UTA parking garage for no charge on Sundays.

This is the closest parking to the Student Center.

FBCA Student Center

FBCA Student Center

The FBCA Student Center is home to our Student Ministries including College and Grades 7 - 12.

Meet our College Ministry Team


Connor Torrealba

College Minister

Pearce Schreck

College Associate

Want to know more about the College Ministry?

Frequently Asked Questions

The College Ministry is open to everyone is college!  Typically that's 18-24 range.  We have a mix of UTA, DBU, TCC and other students. 

We have a place for you!

We are ready to welcome you at Church.

Let us help you get connected.

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