We are using John 3:16 as the core text as we explore what the Bible teaches about abundant life, meaningful life, and eternal life. So why does this sign matter? Are you traveling this summer? Planning a staycation? Taking a group trip to the Rangers game? Take this sign with you, take a picture with it, post it, tag us and upload it to to share!

Be intentional with this sign. Ask a stranger to take your photo because: 1) you want the WHOLE group to be in the picture, and 2) you never know what conversation could happen with the person who takes your photo.


Conversation Prompts

John 3:16 is one of the most famous verses in the Bible, but not everyone is familiar with it. Your “Summer Photo Op” could just be a divine appointment to have a spiritual conversation with someone. Be prepared to engage your photographer (or an interested by-stander) with a follow-up chat about your sign. Pray for evangelistic sensitivity and the awareness (and courage) to take advantage of the opportunity!


Hi! Thank you! I/we appreciate your help! I’m ___________ from __________.


We’re holding this sign because John 3:16 is important to us.


It’s a verse from the Bible that emphasizes that God loves us deeply, gives to us generously, and saves us eternally.


Our church has asked us to send in photos with this sign during the summer to show how we’re taking “the Good News” with us wherever we go. We have church members who are sending in pictures from all over the world.


This verse (statement) sums up the “good news” about what we believe as followers of Jesus.


The reason the “good news” is good is because the “bad news” is bad. God created us and he loves us, but we have rejected his authority and turned away from him. The consequence of our sin is eternal separation from God. But because of his great love for us, God became human (the God/man Jesus) to show us his love and die for our sin. Those who put their faith and hope in Jesus are restored to a right relationship with God and live with him forever. That’s the Good News!


“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).

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