I was in the Student Building recently and had the chance to visit with some of our students who grew up in our church. I have had the privilege of knowing some of them their whole life. It is amazing to see how much they had grown up and changed in the few years from when they were in the Children’s ministry. I was reminded how important bringing your kids to church really is!
A lot can change in just a few short years. Not only did I see an incredible physical transformation (most of these students were now taller than me), but they grew up into incredible young men and women; socially, emotionally, and spiritually as well. What a blessing it is to have had the chance to be a part of these outstanding student’s lives.
The same can be said about the transformation that takes place in a young child’s life in just a matter a few short years. As I look at our children in our older grades, I can still remember them just a couple of years ago when they were just coming into the Children’s ministry. Our children really do grow up so fast. It reminds me of the awesome responsibility we have as a church to partner with parents as we help them “Train up their child in the way they should go”. (Proverbs 22:6)
I came across an article the other day entitled, “10 Reasons to Bring Your Kids to Church”. It was a good reminder of why we do what we do at church to lay a solid foundation for our children. Besides the obvious reason being that church is a place where we teach the Word of God, and rather than list all 10 reasons, a couple stood out to me.
Church provides a loving, supportive community. The article put it this way, “Church is like having a caring second family”. I love that. Church for your child can provide a caring group of people who pour into the life of your child and help them feel loved and a part of something bigger than themselves. Church also strengthens families. We provide resources for parents, a sense of community so parents know they are not alone, and opportunity for family times of worship and fellowship together.
We are blessed as a church when your child comes through our doors. And I am blessed personally to watch them grow up through our ministry and into their teen years and beyond because it reminds me of the transformation that is happening in your child’s life even over the short time that we have them in our ministry. My prayer is that you will make bringing your child to church a priority and allow us to partner with you to train up your child.
P.S.: 5th and 5th Graders – next Wednesday night is THE BRIDGE! Invite your friends and join us for dinner, games, worship and Bible Study!
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