Yesterday, I was walking through the various gathering areas on our church campus: Charlie Hamill Welcome Center, Lobby of the Wade Building, East and South Commons, and the Lobby of the Preschool/Children’s Building. All of them were buzzing with activity. We had folks working hard as they were decorating our campus for Advent. This morning, I went into the Sanctuary to pray and reflect on this first Sunday of Advent and all it entails. The Sanctuary has been beautifully and simply decorated for this season.
We are beginning that same process at our home. We will be moving some furniture around to make room for the family Christmas tree in the Living Room. We will be storing all kinds of decorative items that normally are on display in our home to make room for the hundred or so Nativity Sets to be displayed for this season. Wreaths will be hung. Presents will be wrapped. Special foods will be prepared in our kitchen.
What are we all doing? We are preparing for Christmas.
I love it.
I love this season of the year. I don’t mind the crowded shopping malls and parking lots. I love all the parties and special events. I love the special music of this season. I love the gatherings, the worship services, the decorations, the food, the festivities—I love it all. After all, we are celebrating the birth of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Promised One, the Lord Jesus Christ!
Just as we are preparing our homes, offices, and our church for the season of the year, let’s make the effort to prepare our hearts and souls as well. We will help you do just that. Our services and ministries here at First Baptist Arlington are designed to assist you in preparing for Christmas. That is what Advent is all about.
If you are able, come to church! We will be lighting the Advent Candles each week in preparation for Christmas Day! Each Sunday during this season, we will light a candle in the Advent Wreath, culminating with the lighting of the Christ Candle on Christmas Eve.
Our theme for Advent this year is Re-Member. This will be a special season of re-membering. I will be preaching each Sunday from Luke’s Gospel. Luke offers us his unique perspective on the birth of Jesus. We will sing the music of the season together as we join our hearts and souls in celebrating the birth or our Lord.
On this first Sunday of Advent, we will gather around the Lord’s Table, and we will re-member what He has done for us through His death, burial, and resurrection. It will be a fitting and meaningful way to begin the journey of preparation for you as you make yourself ready to truly celebrate Christmas as a follower of Jesus.
There will be many special events along the way to mark the season and further prepare you for Christmas Day. We will have various places across our campus for you to take family photos and just enjoy the sights and sounds of the season.
Preparation is important. God knows that. He prepared His world for the arrival of His Son. We read in Galatians that, “when the set time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman.” (Galatians 4:4) Notice when Jesus was born—when the set time had come! God had prepared the world and Jesus came at just the right time!
I truly am looking forward to celebrating this season with you. Let’s get ready! I have to go now, because I’m on my way home to start decorating!
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