A Cord of Three Strands


One of the most beneficial practices in my spiritual walk has been intentional discipleship through small three person groups called Triads. A few years ago, I was reading the call to “Go, therefore and make disciples…” in Matthew 28:18-20 and felt conviction – how was I actively making disciples in my lifestyle? It would have been easy enough as a college minister to simply say, “Well, I’m making disciples by doing my job as a college minister” – but I wanted something more direct.

After discussing it with one of my mentors, we decided to start living out this call by forming three person small groups. These “Triads” would meet weekly for a semester or longer, study scripture together, hold one another accountable, and pray together. Over time, the leader of the triad would rotate until each person had experience leading the group. Why? Because at the end of the season, those in the triad split and form their own triads. What starts with 3 can grow exponentially.

The numbers can be exciting, but what has been the most impactful for me is the life on life discipleship that takes place within these groups. There’s just something about investing in other believers, having them invest in you, and holding one another accountable for the things we are learning. This method works. Not because it guarantees numerical growth, but because consistent intake, discussion, and application of scripture leads to life change. In the 6 groups that I’ve lead, I’ve seen God move in unique and mighty ways every time.

This Triad method is going to be our primary way of in depth discipleship at the college ministry. There are many ways of making disciples, but this method is ideal for college students because it affords flexibility, authenticity, and depth – three things college students need. Furthermore, this method can be used beyond college. If we just train college students in how to be a Christian disciplemaker in college, but don’t give them tools that work beyond college, I believe we are doing them a disservice. I personally have utilized this method as a grad student, as a person in the workforce, as a bi-vocational minister, and as a full time college minister.

Just this last week, we trained 15 of our college students in this method and other methods of discipleship at our Disciplemaker Training. I’m hyped to see how God moves in the lives of these students and those they disciple. If this sounds like something you’d like to be part of and you’re in the college age range (18-24), let me know! Our next Disciplemaker Training is November 12th, but I’d love the chance to talk with you before then.

Connor Torrealba

Connor Torrealba

Connor is the College Minister at First Baptist Arlington. He is passionate about discipling the next generation to live out their faith or come to faith for the first time. Connor enjoys traveling with his wife Patience, biking, and hiking.

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